This is a digital copy of the Class Handbook you were given at the beginning of the year. Please refer to it as often as necessary, as it covers a great deal of useful information.
Dear Parent:
Welcome to first grade! I am delighted that your child will be at Kennedy this year. With your encouragement, your child will be a part of many exciting and rewarding experiences this academic year. I have compiled this class handbook to provide information of the policies, procedures, and expectations for the new school year. Please review the handbook with your child and sign the contract at the end of the handbook so that I know you have read and understood the information explained. Please keep the class handbook to use as a reference throughout the year. You can place it in the D.R.A.G.O.N. folder behind the label “Important Papers.” It is already hole punched for your convenience.
As I firmly believe that lifelong success depends on self-discipline, I have developed a Classroom Discipline Plan that gives every student the opportunity to manage his or her own behavior. I will discuss this plan with the students, but I would appreciate it if you would also review the plan with your child as well. The rules below are labeled with a color in parenthesis. Your child will have a pocket on a chart with his/her name on it, If he/she breaks a rule, the designated colored craft stick will be placed in their pocket. This is to identify what rule was broken and how to remediate it for the next time. You will see what rules were broken on their daily homework/behavior sheet. Working together, all of us can ensure that your child will receive the most positive educational climate possible.
Classroom Rules:
- Be ready and prepared for school and learning
- Be respectful to others and their property
- Be responsible for yourself, your actions, and your learning
If a student chooses to break a rule, these are the consequences:
First Warning: Verbal Warning
Second Warning: Five minutes walking during free time
Third Warning: ten minutes walking during free time
Fourth Warning: Letter, e-mail, or phone call to parent
Fifth Warning: Office Referral
Any serious infraction will be sent directly to the principal.
Dear First Grader and Parents,
Homework is a way to let parents know what we are learning at school and for students to practice what they are learning.
HOMEWORK IS VERY IMPORTANT…BEING RESPONSIBLE IS ALSO VERY IMPORTANT! Please read the homework policy with your first grader.
1. Homework is given on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights.
2. Parents-please give help when needed…BUT DO NOT do the work for your child.
3. Please make sure all work is done NEATLY AND CAREFULLY! No ink pens or markers. Only pencils and (crayons when in directions).
4. Please help your child by making sure the D.R.A.G.O.N. FOLDER (homework folder) is signed and put back in the bookbag EACH NIGHT (behavior report will still be sent home daily). Check bookbag EACH night.
5. Homework is always checked for accuracy.
Please let me know if you have questions or concerns about the HOMEWORK POLICY!
Some tips to on how to help your child with homework:
• Help your child establish a homework time everyday.
• Provide a quiet, well-lit place where there will be little interruption.
First Grade
First Grade Supply List
- box of 24 crayons
- 24 plain, SHARPENED, #2 pencils
- 2 large, Pink Pearl erasers
- 1 box of pencil top erasers
- 1 pack of Expo, fine-tip, black, dry erase markers
- 6 glue sticks
- 2 spiral one-subject notebooks
- 2 pocket folders with brads
- book bag (no wheels)
Not required but GREATLY needed and appreciated
- Boxes of tissues
- Bottles of waterless hand sanitizer
- Ziplock bags of all sizes
With Appreciation,
First Grade
In our class, I try to incorporate many reading activities to help strengthen the students’ reading skills. But some reading must also be done at home. Here is how you can help. Our school has a library and students are allowed to check out books during the week. Make sure that your child tries to read these books, not just look at the pictures. If there is an older child at home, have them help with the reading. It is important for your child to read at home on a daily basis. Another thing you can do to get access to more books is to go to the public library and get a library card for your child. If you go every few weeks and get several books, your child will have access to many reading materials that will help strengthen their skills.
If your child is absent from school, please send a note of explanation. All homework and class assignments must be made up within two days. It is important that your child have very limited absences. We do a lot of activities in class that are difficult to make-up. State law limits the amount of absences children can have.
If you EVER have a question or concern, please write a note or e-mail to or call the school 770-867-3182 and leave a message. I will get back in touch with you as soon as possible. I will return calls or reply to e-mails during my planning period or after school. You can also set up a parent/teacher conference as well if you would like. I want every child and parent to have a HAPPY first grade experience.
D.R.A.G.O.N. Folders
D.R.A.G.O.N. folders are three-ring binders that help build communication
between the teacher and the parents as well as teaching your student how to
organize and be responsible for materials.
There are two pockets on the notebook that will be used for specific items. Please review the labels on the D.R.A.G.O.N. folder for details. "Homework Helpers" (this section will provide material as a reference for your child when completing homework assignments).
In front of the dividers is where you will find the weekly homework assignments and behavior chart.
This notebook will go home with your child daily and your child will be expected to return it to school daily, signed by a parent. Please take out all completed work that is in the designated pocket. Place completed homework in the designated pocket.
If your child's D.R.A.G.O.N. book is lost or damaged then it will cost $5 to replace. Please encourage your child to take good care of his/her notebook and you as the parent should find as much of a resource as your child does!
Please read these tips, suggestions, ideas, and other important bits of information.
1. Please “clean out” bookbags and dragon folders (homework folders) every night.
2. Please look at your child’s dragon folder and look at the homework assignments and his/her daily behavior sheet and sign.
3. We have found it MUCH easier on the child, parent, teacher, and lunchroom staff if the school lunch is paid for WEEKLY or MONTHLY. First graders are required to keep up with their own lunch money, but by paying weekly/monthly, this will aid that process. Please request lunch envelopes or place your child’s money in an envelope labeled with their name, my name, and the amount.
4. To allow your child to adjust to the routine of first grade, we encourage you to let your child enter the room and begin morning activities on his/her own.
5. Please be on time. Our day begins at 7:45. If your child comes in late, he/she will be left behind the other children in completing their morning activities. If your child eats breakfast at school, please drop them off so they will have enough time to eat in the classroom BEFORE 7:45.
6. If your child needs to take medication during school hours, I need a signed note explaining the dosage and time the medication is to be given. You should see the school nurse with this information.
7. We LOVE birthday parties! You are encouraged to celebrate your child’s birthday with all of his/her classmates. Please let me know 3-5 days in advance. You may either send in the treats or you may come and celebrate with us. PLEASE DO NOT SEND PARTY INVITATIONS (FOR PRIVATE PARTIES) TO THE SCHOOL UNLESS YOU ARE INVITING THE ENTIRE CLASS.
8. If there is a change in the afternoon pick-up of your child, WRITE A NOTE! The office will not accept verbal messages as a valid transportation change.
9. Please make sure you pick up your child ON TIME! First Graders do get upset when no one is there to pick them up on time. If you have an emergency, call the office (770-867-3182) so that someone can reassure your child and we will know what time you will be there.